Ive had a few years of French and wanted to refresh my memory and become more proficient. Ive downloaded a number of apps and find that the hands-down winner is Brainscapes intuitive approach. The learing curve is fast - you are presented with a word in English ("to play") and then tap a button to both see and hear it in French - you then quickly rate your comprehension on a scale of 1 to 5. The systems learns your weak spots and through rapid repetition reinforces vocabulary and phrases until you have mastered them. When youve had enough (there is no end point - you determine how much you want to learn each day), simpy select "done" and the program automatically syncs your progress. I find this method superior - difficult concepts wont get lost in the shuffle of learning. I wouldnt recommend this app if you are a complete novice - but for what I want to accomplish, its fantastic. Perfect and worth every penny.
BearTrader2146 about Learn French Vocab!